AMCC provides in-depth and knowledgeable training to pass the CPC exam with AAPC. We are partnered with AAPC as an education provider. Our instructors are certified with extensive knowledge in the healthcare field. Here at AMCC we are dedicated to our student’s success. We provide virtual and classroom training. Our courses are tailored to fit working adults with affordable prices, payment plans and flexible training to include self-pace courses. If you have any questions about courses or registration please email
Online Self-Pace Certified Professional Coder Course
This is a self-pace course design for working adults.
- CPC Training Manuals/Workbook
- AAPC Membership
- 1:1 Coaching
- AAPC Blackboard
- Medical Coding Books (Current Year)
Online Instructed-Led AAPC Certified Professional Coder Course
The instructor led course is an interactive course that is held weekly by video conferencing.
Tuition- $2,500
- CPC Training Manuals/Workbook
- AAPC Membership
- 1:1 Coaching
- AAPC Blackboard
- Medical Coding Books (Current Year)
Face to Face Classroom
Classes are held in a classroom setting in Columbia SC.
- CPC Training Manuals/Workbook
- AAPC Membership
- 1:1 Coaching
- AAPC Blackboard
- Medical Coding Books (Current Year)
Certified Professional Coder Fast Track
AMCC (8 weeks) Boot Camp is a fast-tracked learning environment that is designed for students who are familiar with medical coding, previously took a course and/or need a refresher.
Prerequisites: It is recommended that students be currently working in the medical field. Student should be familiar with CPT, ICD-10, HCPCS, Modifiers, Medicare Rules and Regulations, Coding Concepts, HIPAA, Medical Terminology, and Anatomy.
Tuition- $1150
Course Includes:
- 1:1 Coaching
- AAPC Learning Blackboard
- Free Practice Exam
- Textbooks
* Disclaimer: The completion of this courses does not guarantee the passing of National Certification Tests.
AAPC Medical Auditor Program
Are you a Certified Professional Coder or a Healthcare Professional and want to dive deeper in your career?
Enroll and take your career to the next level with the CPMA credential! Classes are held once a week on Wednesdays (subject to change) from 6-8. In this 8-week course you will learn the following:
- Compliance and Regulatory Guidelines
- Medical Records Standard and Documentation Guidelines
- Evaluation and Management
- Coding Reimbursement
- Audit, Scope and Statistical Sampling Methodologies
- Risk Analysis and Communication
AMCC license instructors are highly experience auditors who are license with AAPC to teach experience coders who want to become a CPMA. A medical auditor can work with a government agency or contractor, healthcare provider, work as a consultant, insurer etc.
- AAPC Blackboard
- CPMA exam review
- Auditor Notes for CPT book
Medical Auditor Workshop
The one-day workshop is design to help students review for the CPMA exam. During the 4-hour workshop a brief review will be on the following: Medical Record Documentation, Quality Assurance and Risk Analysis, Auditing skills, Report & Findings, Coding & Reimbursement, Time management, and notes documented in coding books. Each student will gain reassurance of taking CPMA exam and have the confidence that they will pass.
Tuition-$150 (Sundays Only) 3CEU’s
Auditor Notes for CPT Book
CPMA exam review. Below for schedule dates for workshop.
- August 29, 2021
- September 26, 2021
Disclaimer: This course does not guarantee passing of the CPMA exam. Students must have current year 2021 or medical coding books or pending shipping.